
Web AppBuilder is Heading into Retirement, but Fear Not!

On February 27th, Esri released a blog post that revealed a detailed timeline of Web AppBuilder’s retirement plan – this news seemed inevita...

Creating Feature Reports Using Drag and Drop

Infomaptic provides a simple What You See Is What You Get designer that allows you to quickly design templates by dragging and dropping item...

Dymaptic releases Infomaptic: better feature reports for ArcGIS Online and Enterprise

PORTLAND, OR – September 22, 2021. Dymaptic, an Esri Silver Esri Partner Network partner, just announced the official launch of infomaptic –...

ArcGIS Reporting: (Y)et (A)nother (R)eporting (T)ool

….it seems like making quick, shareable, easy, dynamic reports from ArcGIS Online data should be a solved problem. Yet, it isn’t. Until now.